International Champagne Horse Registry

+ Dun
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Champagne plus Dun

When a horse has Champagne gene plus Dun in its genes,
the result is a beautifully diluted color with striking dun markings...usually*.

*The appearance of horses with these genetics can vary,
based on things like "shade" and "sootiness",
the genetic or environmental mechanics of which
are not known at this time.

On Black: Black + Champagne + Dun = Classic dun (or Classic grulla)

Collages of Diamond and Angel, courtesy of Tara Novotny, Rising Moon Ranch, tested E_, aa, no Cr.




On Red: Chestnut (red) + Champagne + Dun = Gold Dun

Photos of "Raquel", courtesy of Tara Novotny, Rising Moon Ranch



Another Gold dun: Skips Golden Rush ("Skip")  (deceased) Pedigree
The late Skip's Golden Rush was an AQHA registered gold champagne dun stallion, an own son of the famed My Skip Vanzi, who is also a gold dun.

Click this thumbnail to see full sized picture Click this thumbnail to see full sized picture Click this thumbnail to see full sized picture Click this thumbnail to see full sized picture Click this thumbnail to see full sized picture skips_3.jpg (22328 bytes)  

On Bay:  Bay + Champagne + Dun = Amber dun

Collage of "Dreamer" courtesy of Tara Novotny, Rising Moon Ranch



Two more amber duns; click on the thumbnail pictures below to see full size.

Chiped in Dun-smr.jpg (69401 bytes)

Chiped in Dun; an AQHA gelding, he's a My Skip Vanzi grandson. 

His color and PEDIGREE mean his "palomino" dam is really a Gold dun.


RTTL-rp2sm.jpg (140720 bytes)RTTL-stripe1.jpg (91910 bytes)
Redun Two the Limit; Amber dun AQHA mare/filly

Owned by Douglas Frisch of Wisconsin; ICHR #0129; PEDIGREE


On Brown:  Brown + Champagne + Dun = Sable dun

Pics & collage of "Gracie" courtesy of Tara NovotnyRising Moon Ranch

Graceful N Diamons: 7/25/09

The Champagne Cream Duns: 
Base Color + Champagne + Dun + Cream

When a cream gene is added to a champagne dun,
or a dun gene is added to a champagne cream,
these are some of the possible results.

On Bay:  Bay + Champagne + Dun + Cream = Amber cream dun

DNA tested:  EE Aa Crcr Chch Dd
Photos and test results courtesy of Tara NovotnyRising Moon Ranch

 On Brown:  Brown + Champagne + Dun + Cream = Sable cream dun

Sierra Hesa Chief,  ICHR #0534 Quarter horse colt, owned by Rick Stockhill, Michigan;  PEDIGREE



 On Red: Chestnut (red) + Champagne + Dun + Cream = Gold cream dun

The Gold cream dun LR In The Spotlight basically is a white horse with pink skin, very little freckling.
ICHR #0084, LR In The Spotlight, American Quarter Horse stallion. Susan Rodgers, Georgia: PEDIGREE



PO Box 4430
Paso Robles, CA 93447-4430

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+ Cream
+ Pinto / Paint
+ Gray
+ Dun
+ Appaloosa
+ Silver
OTHER combinations

ICHR is not, and never was, connected with
any other Champagne organization.
Web & Graphics Design copyright © 2015
by Barbara A Kostelnik (see )
Please remember that all graphics and text on this site, as on all of the WWW, are automatically copyrighted,  including the exhaustive
pedigree and color research 
that our president, Carolyn Shepard, has done.
If you'd like to use something from this site, 
please email us for permission.

Emailing ICHR:  Horse color questions will not be answered without the horse's breed and registered name, if any.  Due to the extensive research conducted by the ICHR, we are usually able to determine if a horse has champagne in its pedigree by recognizing the names of ancestors we have determined were champagne,
listed in the right column of each
entry in our
stud book.
ASK about "grade" horses,  please.

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