International Champagne Horse Registry

Triple Dilutes
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"Triple Dilute Champagnes"

Champagne horses whose hair has been diluted three times (including once by champagne).

  •  Notes:

    • This ICHR page will deal only with those triple dilutions which include Champagne.

    • When a horse has two of any dominant dilution gene (silver, champagne, dun) it does not look any different than if it had one.

    • To take this into account, two of any dominant gene is counted as "one dilution" for this study.

    • Cream and pearl genes, since they each register separately on the horse's coat, will each be counted separately : each one counts as one dilution.

    • In genetic notation on this page, a blank ( _ ) means that any allele may be present with the same result: for example, Ch__ means "either one or two champagne genes."

    • There have been no combinations of pearl + champagne documented, to date.

 Click here for Champagne + 2 Cream genes (Ch _ , Cr Cr)

Click here for Champagne + 1 Cream + Dun genes (Ch __ , Cr cr, Dn __ )

Champagne + 1 Cream + Silver genes (Ch __, Crcr, Z _ )

 Ridgehavens Cocoa - Classic cream silver:


 Ridgehavens Cocoa-r.jpg (40209 bytes)

Ridgehavens Cocoa
 Miniature Horse stallion
Classic cream silver
Judy Ventimiglia;
Seven CS Cotton Candy


PO Box 4430
Paso Robles, CA 93447-4430

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Triple Dilutes
Champagne Double Cream

ICHR is not, and never was, connected with
any other Champagne organization.
Web & Graphics Design copyright © 2015
by Barbara A Kostelnik (see )
Please remember that all graphics and text on this site, as on all of the WWW, are automatically copyrighted,  including the exhaustive
pedigree and color research 
that our president, Carolyn Shepard, has done.
If you'd like to use something from this site, 
please email us for permission.

Emailing ICHR:  Horse color questions will not be answered without the horse's breed and registered name, if any.  Due to the extensive research conducted by the ICHR, we are usually able to determine if a horse has champagne in its pedigree by recognizing the names of ancestors we have determined were champagne,
listed in the right column of each
entry in our
stud book.
ASK about "grade" horses,  please.

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